A downloadable trash

They always say it's best to let sleeping dragons lie... Well too bad, these things happen when you owe a wizard money.

A Risky Reward is a stealth-based loot and scoot: Sneak in, out maneuver, outsmart, and get out before the dragon catches you napping!

WASD to move, Mouse to look.
Left shift to Sprint, left Control to crouch, Space to jump.

Left Mouse click to pick up gold, right click Mouse to drop gold and hide behind it like a little baby.

V1!  The REAL DEAL, as spaghetti free as possible!

Issues below still apply.  =(

 0.91, the "Plenty wrong" edition!
Known issues: Needs sounds, Stealth UI doesn't snap properly to bottom of screen


ARR_V4.zip 29 MB

Install instructions

1. Download
2. Unzip
3. Run .exe

Development log


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I feel rewarded when I sneak in front of a large dragon to collect gold. serious hobbit vibes.